In this episode we will show how to reverse the element position while maintaining order in a java 8 stream.
Detailed Video Notes
Java 8 introduced stream which is a sequence of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations. In addition it helped introduce a functional programming style to java. It is a possible that a stream has unordered elements so this tutorial is not to be confused with sorting a stream in reverse order. Let's find out how to flip the elements in the stream while maintaining order.
Generating a java project from a maven archetype quick start we will update the project to use java 8 and add the dependencies of junit and guava.
Reverse order and print
For our first java example let us create a Stream
of Strings
then collect the elements into a LinkedList
. Since a LinkedList is a double-linked data structure we are able to navigate in either direction, forward or reverse. Calling DescendingIterator
allows us to iterate over the elements in reverse sequential order. We can output the elements in the Stream
by passing the System.out::println
consumer to the forEachRemaining
Lets run our test and examine the output of the elements in reversed order.
public void reverse_stream_print() {
Stream.of("One", "Two", "Three", "Four")
Proving the sort
Just to prove that the order is different when you sort a stream, lets write a quick test method and sort the elements in reversed order. Again we will build a stream calling sorted, an intermediate stream operation, passing in Collections.reverseOrder()
will sort the stream in reverse alphabetical order. Using the foreach we can print the elements of the stream.
Lets run our test and examine the output of the elements in reversed order.
public void sorting_reverse() {
Stream.of("One", "Two", "Three", "Four")
Reverse order convert to ArrayList
Next you might be thinking, how do I convert an Iterator to a collection? This is a two step process first we must reverse the order and then transform the Iterator into a list. Using the same snippet above and assigning reversedStream
to the Iterator
returned we can create a new stream by using StreamSupport
and Spliterators
. Finally we can transform stream tolist using Collectors
Lets run our test and examine the output of converting Iterator to list using stream functions.
public void reverse_stream_collect_to_list() {
Iterator<String> reversedStream = Stream
.of("One", "Two", "Three", "Four")
List<String> listReversedOrder =
Spliterator.ORDERED), false).collect(
Collectors.<String> toList());
[Four, Three, Two, One]
Iterable to Arraylist using guava
If the previous snippet is to painful and you already have guava on you classpath, you could convert Iterable to arraylist using guava's list utility.
public void iterator_to_list_guava() {
Iterator<String> reversedStream = Stream
.of("One", "Two", "Three", "Four")
List<String> reversedList = Lists.newArrayList(reversedStream);
[Four, Three, Two, One]
Reverse order numeric stream
If you are working with numbers the following technique could be applied to IntStream, DoubleStream or LongStream. Note: this technique was not tested and verified for performance.
Creating a static method that accepts an IntStream
we will create an array from a stream and then use the same techniques we find in reversing elements of an array in java.
Let's run our example to see the output.
public static IntStream reverseOrderStream(IntStream intStream) {
int[] tempArray = intStream.toArray();
return IntStream.range(1, tempArray.length + 1).boxed()
.mapToInt(i -> tempArray[tempArray.length - i]);
public void intstream_reverse_order() {
reverseOrderStream(IntStream.of(1, 4, 5, 6, 7)).forEach(
I hope this showed the difference in reversing the order of elements of a stream vs sorting in reverse order while providing a few techniques to convert an Iterable to a collection.
Thanks for joining in today's level up, have a great day!