This example will show how to sort an arraylist of objects using java, java 8 and guava. In the setup we will create a Wrestler class and initialize a list of wrestlers of varying weight, names and wins.
Wrestler class
public class Wrestler {
private String name;
private double weightClass;
private int wins;
public Wrestler(String name, double weightClass, int wins) {
super(); = name;
this.weightClass = weightClass;
this.wins = wins;
public String getName() {
return name;
public double getWeightClass() {
return weightClass;
public int getWins() {
return wins;
public String toString() {
return Objects.toStringHelper(this).add("name", name)
.add("weightClass", weightClass).add("wins", wins)
Initialize Wrestlers
private List<Wrestler> wrestlers = Lists.newArrayList();
public void setup () {
wrestlers.add(new Wrestler("Abe", 151, 5));
wrestlers.add(new Wrestler("Steve", 151, 7));
wrestlers.add(new Wrestler("Jack", 151, 1));
wrestlers.add(new Wrestler("Jim", 215, 15));
wrestlers.add(new Wrestler("Jack", 215, 1));
wrestlers.add(new Wrestler("Joe", 215, 8));
wrestlers.add(new Wrestler("Harry", 119, 6));
wrestlers.add(new Wrestler("Sally", 119, 9));
Straight up Java
In this snippet we will sort a collection by a field using java. We will implement a Comparator naming it byWeightClass that will compare each wrestlers by weight class and pass it to Collections.sort which will sort the list according to the order defined in the comparator. After this operation is executed the list will be 'sorted by weight class' in ascending order.
public void sort_collection_with_java() {
Comparator<Wrestler> byWeightClass = new Comparator<Wrestler>() {
public int compare(Wrestler left, Wrestler right) {
right.getWeightClass()); // use your logic
Collections.sort(wrestlers, byWeightClass);;
Wrestler wrestler = wrestlers.get(0);
assertEquals(119, wrestler.weightClass, 0);
Wrestler{name=Harry, weightClass=119.0, wins=6},
Wrestler{name=Sally, weightClass=119.0, wins=9},
Wrestler{name=Abe, weightClass=151.0, wins=5},
Wrestler{name=Steve, weightClass=151.0, wins=7},
Wrestler{name=Jack, weightClass=151.0, wins=1},
Wrestler{name=Jim, weightClass=215.0, wins=15},
Wrestler{name=Jack, weightClass=215.0, wins=1},
Wrestler{name=Joe, weightClass=215.0, wins=8}
Java 8
Order by number
In this snippet we will order the collection based off an integer field in the Wrestler object with java 8. Using a lambda expression we will create a comparator that will compare the weight of two given Wrestler objects. We will pass it into the List.sort method that will sort the list based on the supplied Comparator. Once the operation is performed the list of wrestlers will be sorted by weight class in ascending order.
public void sort_collection_with_java8_byweight() {
wrestlers.sort((w1, w2) ->,
Optional<Wrestler> wrestler =;
assertEquals(119, wrestler.get().getWeightClass(), 0);
Wrestler{name=Harry, weightClass=119.0, wins=6},
Wrestler{name=Sally, weightClass=119.0, wins=9},
Wrestler{name=Abe, weightClass=151.0, wins=5},
Wrestler{name=Steve, weightClass=151.0, wins=7},
Wrestler{name=Jack, weightClass=151.0, wins=1},
Wrestler{name=Jim, weightClass=215.0, wins=15},
Wrestler{name=Jack, weightClass=215.0, wins=1},
Wrestler{name=Joe, weightClass=215.0, wins=8}
Reverse order
This snippet will sort a collection in descending order with java 8. We will create a Comparator field from a lambda expression and call reverse which will imposes the reverse ordering of this comparator. Then calling the List.sort method we will sort the list of wrestlers by weight class in reverse order.
public void sort_collection_with_java8_byweight_reverse () {
Comparator<Wrestler> normal = ((w1, w2) ->
w1.getWeightClass(), w2.getWeightClass()));
Comparator<Wrestler> reversed = normal.reversed();
Optional<Wrestler> wrestler =;
assertEquals(215, wrestler.get().getWeightClass(), 0);
Wrestler{name=Jim, weightClass=215.0, wins=15},
Wrestler{name=Jack, weightClass=215.0, wins=1},
Wrestler{name=Joe, weightClass=215.0, wins=8},
Wrestler{name=Abe, weightClass=151.0, wins=5},
Wrestler{name=Steve, weightClass=151.0, wins=7},
Wrestler{name=Jack, weightClass=151.0, wins=1},
Wrestler{name=Harry, weightClass=119.0, wins=6},
Wrestler{name=Sally, weightClass=119.0, wins=9}
Order by string
This snippet will show how to sort a collection of object by string field with java 8. Using a lambda expression we will create a comparator that will compare the name of two given Wrestler objects. We will pass it into the List.sort method that will sort the list based on the supplied Comparator. Once the operation is performed the list of wrestlers will be sorted by name in ascending order.
public void sort_collection_with_java8_byname () {
wrestlers.sort((w1, w2) -> w1.getName().compareTo(w2.getName()));;
Optional<Wrestler> wrestler =;
assertEquals("Abe", wrestler.get().getName());
Wrestler{name=Abe, weightClass=151.0, wins=5},
Wrestler{name=Harry, weightClass=119.0, wins=6},
Wrestler{name=Jack, weightClass=151.0, wins=1},
Wrestler{name=Jack, weightClass=215.0, wins=1},
Wrestler{name=Jim, weightClass=215.0, wins=15},
Wrestler{name=Joe, weightClass=215.0, wins=8},
Wrestler{name=Sally, weightClass=119.0, wins=9},
Wrestler{name=Steve, weightClass=151.0, wins=7}
Chaining multiple comparators
This snippet will demonstrate how to sort the collection on multiple fields or chain multiple comparators using java 8. We will first sort the collection of wrestlers by weight class then by the number of wins by passing in two comparators created by a lambda expression.
public void sort_collection_with_java8_byweight_wins() {
List<Wrestler> sorted = wrestlers
.sorted((w1, w2) ->,
.sorted((w1, w2) ->, w2.getWins()))
Optional<Wrestler> wrestler =;
assertEquals(151, wrestler.get().getWeightClass(), 0);
Wrestler{name=Jack, weightClass=151.0, wins=1},
Wrestler{name=Jack, weightClass=215.0, wins=1},
Wrestler{name=Abe, weightClass=151.0, wins=5},
Wrestler{name=Harry, weightClass=119.0, wins=6},
Wrestler{name=Steve, weightClass=151.0, wins=7},
Wrestler{name=Joe, weightClass=215.0, wins=8},
Wrestler{name=Sally, weightClass=119.0, wins=9},
Wrestler{name=Jim, weightClass=215.0, wins=15}
Google Guava
Guava's ordering class is an enhanced comparator, with additional methods to support common operations. If are familiar with the FluentIterable, FluentIterable is to Iterable as Ordering is to comparator.
This snippet will show how to sort a list of strings in alphabetical order with Guava. First byName Ordering object is created and passed to the Collections.sort which will sort the array list in ascending order.
static final Ordering<Wrestler> byName = new Ordering<Wrestler>() {
public int compare(Wrestler left, Wrestler right) {
return left.getName().equals(right.getName()) ? 1 : 0;
public void display_wrestlers_by_weightclass_and_in_alphabetical_order () {
Collections.sort(wrestlers, byName);;
Wrestler firstAlphabetically = Iterables.getFirst(wrestlers, null);
assertEquals("Abe", firstAlphabetically.getName());
Wrestler{name=Abe, weightClass=151.0, wins=5},
Wrestler{name=Steve, weightClass=151.0, wins=7},
Wrestler{name=Jack, weightClass=151.0, wins=1},
Wrestler{name=Jim, weightClass=215.0, wins=15},
Wrestler{name=Jack, weightClass=215.0, wins=1},
Wrestler{name=Joe, weightClass=215.0, wins=8},
Wrestler{name=Harry, weightClass=119.0, wins=6},
Wrestler{name=Sally, weightClass=119.0, wins=9}
Ordering in reverse
This snippet will sort the collection from highest to lowest with Guava. Creating a Ordering object byWeightClass and passing it into Collections.Sort will sort the wrestlers in descending order.
static final Ordering<Wrestler> byWeightClass = new Ordering<Wrestler>() {
public int compare(Wrestler left, Wrestler right) {
public void sort_collection_in_reverse_with_guava() {
Collections.sort(wrestlers, byWeightClass.reverse());;
Wrestler aWrestlerWithHighestWeightClass = Iterables.getFirst(
wrestlers, null);
assertEquals(215, aWrestlerWithHighestWeightClass.getWeightClass(), 0);
Wrestler{name=Jim, weightClass=215.0, wins=15},
Wrestler{name=Jack, weightClass=215.0, wins=1},
Wrestler{name=Joe, weightClass=215.0, wins=8},
Wrestler{name=Abe, weightClass=151.0, wins=5},
Wrestler{name=Steve, weightClass=151.0, wins=7},
Wrestler{name=Jack, weightClass=151.0, wins=1},
Wrestler{name=Harry, weightClass=119.0, wins=6},
Wrestler{name=Sally, weightClass=119.0, wins=9}
Chaining multiple ordering
This snippet will chain multiple Ordering objects by calling the compound method. First it will be sorted by weightClass then by wins.
static final Ordering<Wrestler> byWins = new Ordering<Wrestler>() {
public int compare(Wrestler left, Wrestler right) {
return, right.getWins());
public void sort_collection_with_multiple_comparables_guava() {
Collections.sort(wrestlers, byWeightClass.compound(byWins));;
Wrestler aLowestWeightClassWrestler = Iterables.getFirst(wrestlers,
assertEquals(119, aLowestWeightClassWrestler.getWeightClass(), 0);
Wrestler{name=Harry, weightClass=119.0, wins=6},
Wrestler{name=Sally, weightClass=119.0, wins=9},
Wrestler{name=Jack, weightClass=151.0, wins=1},
Wrestler{name=Abe, weightClass=151.0, wins=5},
Wrestler{name=Steve, weightClass=151.0, wins=7},
Wrestler{name=Jack, weightClass=215.0, wins=1},
Wrestler{name=Joe, weightClass=215.0, wins=8},
Wrestler{name=Jim, weightClass=215.0, wins=15}
Multiple ordering & .getFirst
Finally this snippet will display top wrestlers in each weight class.
public void sort_collection_with_multiple_comparables_guava_getfirstElement() {
// first order elements
Collections.sort(wrestlers, byWeightClass.compound(byWins.reverse()));
// next get the first wrestler in each weight class which should have
// the most wins
ImmutableListMultimap<Double, Wrestler> wrestlersMappedByWeightClass = Multimaps
.index(wrestlers, new Function<Wrestler, Double>() {
public Double apply(Wrestler from) {
return new Double(from.getWeightClass());
// for each weight class get the first element which should be wrestler
// with most wins
for (Double weightClass : wrestlersMappedByWeightClass.keySet()) {
List<Wrestler> weightClassWrestlers = wrestlersMappedByWeightClass
.get(weightClass); + " - "
+ Iterables.getFirst(weightClassWrestlers, null));
119.0 - Wrestler{name=Sally, weightClass=119.0, wins=9}
151.0 - Wrestler{name=Steve, weightClass=151.0, wins=7}
215.0 - Wrestler{name=Jim, weightClass=215.0, wins=15}