Filter elements by type @Test
public void filter_elements_by_type () {
List < Object > randomObjects = Lists . newArrayList ();
randomObjects . add ( new Integer ( 15 ));
randomObjects . add ( new Double ( 12 ));
randomObjects . add ( "hello" );
randomObjects . add ( Lists . newArrayList ());
randomObjects . add ( Maps . newConcurrentMap ());
randomObjects . add ( "world" );
Iterable < String > strings = Iterables . filter ( randomObjects , String . class );
assertThat ( strings , IsIterableContainingInAnyOrder .
< String > containsInAnyOrder ( "hello" , "world" ));
Combine two iterables @Test
public void concat_two_iterables () {
List < String > list1 = Lists . newArrayList ( "one" );
List < String > list2 = Lists . newArrayList ( "two" );
Iterable < String > oneAndTwo = Iterables . concat ( list1 , list2 );
assertThat ( oneAndTwo , IsIterableContainingInAnyOrder .
< String > containsInAnyOrder ( "one" , "two" ));
Find first element @Test
public void find_element_in_iterable () {
List < Integer > numbers = Lists . newArrayList (
new Integer ( 1 ),
new Integer ( 2 ),
new Integer ( 3 ));
Integer value = Iterables . find ( numbers , new Predicate < Integer > () {
public boolean apply ( Integer number ) {
return number == 3 ;
assertEquals ( new Integer ( 3 ), value );
Find first non null @Test
public void find_first_non_null () {
List < String > strings = Lists . newArrayList (
null ,
"Little" ,
null ,
"Drummer" ,
"Boy" );
String firstNonNull = Iterables . find ( strings , Predicates . notNull ());
assertEquals ( "Little" , firstNonNull );
Number of occurences @Test
public void frequency_of_object_in_iterable () {
String jingleChorus = "Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells "
+ "Jingle all the way "
+ "Oh, what fun it is to ride "
+ "In a one horse open sleigh "
+ "Jingle bells, jingle bells "
+ "Jingle all the way "
+ "Oh, what fun it is to ride "
+ "In a one horse open sleigh" ;
List < String > words = Splitter . on ( CharMatcher . anyOf ( " ." ))
. trimResults ( CharMatcher . is ( '.' ))
. omitEmptyStrings ()
. splitToList ( jingleChorus . toLowerCase ());
int numberOfOccurences = Iterables . frequency ( words , "jingle" );
assertEquals ( 6 , numberOfOccurences );
First element @Test
public void get_first_element_in_list () {
List < String > strings = Lists . newArrayList ( "one" , "two" , "three" );
String firstElement = Iterables . getFirst ( strings , null );
assertEquals ( "one" , firstElement );
Last element @Test
public void get_last_element_in_iterable () {
List < String > strings = Lists . newArrayList ( "one" , "two" , "three" );
String firstElement = Iterables . getLast ( strings , null );
assertEquals ( "three" , firstElement );
All elements @Test
public void iterable_contains_all () {
List < String > cookies = Lists . newArrayList (
"Peanut Butter Cookies" ,
"Oatmeal-Raisin Cookies" ,
"Basic Chocolate Chip Cookies" );
boolean containsCookie = Iterables . all ( cookies , new Predicate < String >() {
public boolean apply ( String input ) {
return input . toLowerCase (). contains ( "cookie" );
assertTrue ( containsCookie );
Any element @Test
public void iterable_contains_any () {
List < String > cookies = Lists . newArrayList (
"Peanut Butter" ,
"Oatmeal-Raisin" ,
"Basic Chocolate Chip Cookies" );
boolean containsCookie = Iterables . any ( cookies , new Predicate < String >() {
public boolean apply ( String input ) {
return input . toLowerCase (). contains ( "cookie" );
assertTrue ( containsCookie );
Number of elements @Test
public void iterables_size () {
List < Integer > randomNumbers = Lists . newArrayList (
new Integer ( 23 ),
new Integer ( 33 ),
new Integer ( 44 ));
int iterableSize = Iterables . size ( randomNumbers );
assertEquals ( 3 , iterableSize );
Get element at specified position @Test
public void get_iterable_element_by_index () {
String baconIpsum = "Bacon ipsum dolor sit "
+ "amet tri-tip rump shoulder "
+ "kielbasa strip steak" ;
Iterable < String > chars = Splitter . on ( CharMatcher . WHITESPACE )
. split ( baconIpsum );
String elementAtPos5 = Iterables . get ( chars , 5 );
assertEquals ( "tri-tip" , elementAtPos5 );
public void tranform_elements_in_iterable () {
List < String > numbersAsStrings = Lists . newArrayList (
"1" , "2" , "3" );
Iterable < Double > doubles = Iterables . transform ( numbersAsStrings , new Function < String , Double >() {
public Double apply ( String input ) {
return new Double ( input );
assertThat ( doubles , contains (
new Double ( 1 ), new Double ( 2 ),
new Double ( 3 )));
Iterables example posted by Justin Musgrove on 04 July 2013
Tagged: java and java-guava
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