This example will show how to convert a list to a map using java, java 8 and guava. For the snippets below, we have created a Movie object. Typically when this this action occurs, the keys of the map are produced based on a specified object method and the values are the elements itself. In a related example we demonstrate how to transform a list to a map in groovy.
class Movie {
private Integer rank;
private String description;
public Movie(Integer rank, String description) {
this.rank = rank;
this.description = description;
public Integer getRank() {
return rank;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public String toString() {
return Objects.toStringHelper(this)
.add("rank", rank)
.add("description", description)
Straight up Java
When converting a list to a map using the core jdk, a traditional approach can be taken iterating over each element using a for each loop and calling the Map.put with a specified key and value.
public void convert_list_to_map_with_java () {
List<Movie> movies = new ArrayList<Movie>();
movies.add(new Movie(1, "The Shawshank Redemption"));
movies.add(new Movie(2, "The Godfather"));
Map<Integer, Movie> mappedMovies = new HashMap<Integer, Movie>();
for (Movie movie : movies) {
mappedMovies.put(movie.getRank(), movie);
assertTrue(mappedMovies.size() == 2);
assertEquals("The Shawshank Redemption", mappedMovies.get(1).getDescription());
mappedMovies = {
1=Movie{rank=1, description=The Shawshank Redemption},
2=Movie{rank=2, description=The Godfather}
Java 8
Converting a list to a map in Java 8 can be performed by first converting the list to a stream and calling the collect terminal operation. In this instance, we will call Collectors.toMap which will return a collector that accumulates elements into a map. The keys are the generated from the Movie::getRank and the values are the Movie object.
public void convert_list_to_map_with_java8_lambda () {
List<Movie> movies = new ArrayList<Movie>();
movies.add(new Movie(1, "The Shawshank Redemption"));
movies.add(new Movie(2, "The Godfather"));
Map<Integer, Movie> mappedMovies =
Collectors.toMap(Movie::getRank, (p) -> p));;
assertTrue(mappedMovies.size() == 2);
assertEquals("The Shawshank Redemption", mappedMovies.get(1).getDescription());
mappedMovies = {
1=Movie{rank=1, description=The Shawshank Redemption},
2=Movie{rank=2, description=The Godfather}
Google Guava
Guava Maps utility class contains Maps.uniqueIndex will create a map from a list of values. Each key is produced by calling a supplied function and the value is the value itself. Below, the function will pass in an object Movie and return an Integer by calling the Movie.getRank to create the Map.key.
public void convert_list_to_map_with_guava () {
// create a list
List<Movie> movies = Lists.newArrayList();
movies.add(new Movie(1, "The Shawshank Redemption"));
movies.add(new Movie(2, "The Godfather"));
// convert list to map
Map<Integer,Movie> mappedMovies = Maps.uniqueIndex(movies, new Function <Movie,Integer> () {
public Integer apply(Movie from) {
return from.getRank(); // or something else
assertTrue(mappedMovies.size() == 2);
assertEquals("The Shawshank Redemption", mappedMovies.get(1).getDescription());
mappedMovies = {
1=Movie{rank=1, description=The Shawshank Redemption},
2=Movie{rank=2, description=The Godfather}