Remove first char from string

Using groovy we will remove the first char in a string. We will use the phrase "groovy" and assert that each technique produces "roovy". First the getAt accepts a range of numbers where we will pass the start and ending index. Second a standard substring passing in a start index. Finally subsequence which accepts a beginIndex and endIndex. A similar example shows how to remove the first char in a string using java.


void remove_first_char_with_getAt() {

    def phrase = "groovy"

    assert "roovy" == phrase.getAt(1..phrase.length() - 1)

    //or equivalent shortcut

    assert "roovy" == phrase[1..phrase.length() - 1]


void remove_first_char_with_substring() {

    def phrase = "groovy"

    assert "roovy" == phrase.substring(1)


void remove_first_char_with_subsequence() {

    def phrase = "groovy"

    assert "roovy" == phrase.subSequence(1, phrase.length())