In this example we will show ways to assemble a URI with groovy's URIBuilder. In a comparable example we demonstrate how to build a uri from a string in java, springframework and apache commons.
General operations
The general operations code snippet shows how to get the host, scheme, path, and port which are all common operations.
void general_operations() {
def uri = new URIBuilder( '' )
assert "" ==
assert "/examples/" == uri.path
assert "http" == uri.scheme
assert 80 == uri.port
assert "oath"
Get fragment
The fragment identifier is optional part at the end of a URI introduced with a hash mark #
and can be retreived with uri.gragment
void working_with_fragments() {
def uri = new URIBuilder( '' )
assert "fragment" == uri.fragment
Working with query parameters
The working with query parameters snippet shows how to get, remove, replace and add multiple query parameters.
void working_with_query_parameters() {
def uri = new URIBuilder( '' )
assert uri.query.a == '10'
assert uri.query.b == '15'
//remove parameters
uri.removeQueryParam 'a'
assert "" == uri.toString()
//add parameters
uri.addQueryParam "foo", "bar"
assert "" == uri.toString()
//add multiple query parameters
uri.addQueryParams([n:10, c:33])
assert "" == uri.toString()
//replace existing query parameters
uri.query = [java:"examples", groovy:"examples", exercises:"java"]
assert "" == uri.toString()