
A look into Java 8 Date-Time API

Did you just set up your environment to start working with java 8? Jump right to the chapter of lambda or ran across just about every blog that gives you examples? There is more to java 8 than just lambdas!

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Getting started with Java 8

Java 8 is jammed packed with some cool features such as streams, lambdas, passing code into methods, dates and default interface methods. While many of us working in corporate world won’t get to use them until 2030, it is still fun learning. This weekend I started updating examples to utilize new features in Java 8 and so far “I will hate my job every day until we move to Java 8”. Well, maybe not to that extreme but it will be difficult knowing there is an easier way so I will just chalk it up to an opportunity to share with others.

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Year End Wrapup (2013 Edition)

Since this is our first year end wrap up, let's quickly recap how we got started. As outlined in About Us, this site was started in mid to late 2013 as a personal code reference site to help during code reviews. My goal during a code reviews is to be respectfully blunt and provide quality examples where folks can read, plop in the code and get the gist of it. I got tired of searching and landing on results that were too wordy, loaded slowly, weren't copyable and were more worried about SEO than solving problems.

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Convert recorded audio to text

One way to make your podcast, screencast or online video more accessible is to convert it to text. For authors, this means providing a transcript, subtitles or close caption so that the hearing impaired get the same context of the audio. The challenge is most content recorded is done without being planned, organized, or rehearsed. Where it gets tricky is most talk to text software programs require you to speak through a microphone and there is not an obvious way to route speech from a recorded file to the program that converts it.

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Actuator in a non-boot application

At SpringOne 2GX 2013 Spring Boot was released which contains a module Spring Boot - Actuator which provides a series of endpoints to help manage your spring application. At a thousand foot level it reads properties and spring beans then returns a JSON view. It allows direct access to non functional application information without having to open an IDE or a command prompt. A few endpoints it provides out of the box:

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