
Solving for enum inheritance

I am working with a team to build a concept of website features which will provide answers to applications on whether something is turned on or off. Think of it as a table of preprocessed business questions with an on/off switch. It looks something like this:

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Why agile could fail in enterprises

As organizations continue to roll out agile it is concerning the weight that internal communities put on the process vs the need to adjust culture to play with the process. No single process will fix your problem. The hype of this new trends gets interpreted into “how agile will save the world” and it is important before going all in we need to to look at the entire chain not the first few links to see what make it successful. I have observed a behaviors over the last few years that if attention isn't given it could limit success of introducing agile into your company.

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Setting up cloudfront with S3

I received 25$ from amazon for taking a survey and wanted to experiment with setting up a content delivery network (CDN) with cloudfront. Those who aren't familiar, a CDN enables the ability to deliver web content based on geographic locations of request or users which should enable speedier response times. Being a software guy, I wasn't quite sure on how amazon's S3 interacts with cloudfront and the effect it would have on my deployment process. I ran across amazon's article hosting static websites and the image below cleared things up on how the infrastructure works together.

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Template not processed by jekyll and liquid

I created a series of rss feeds for various categories on level up lunch. At the time of this post there isn't a great customizable jekyllrb rss plugin so I built it with a liquid template. With a recent update of jekyll, I noticed that the templates weren't being processed. One thing I forgot is in order for jekyll to process the file it must be wrapped in front matter YAML block. It must be the first thing in the file and be valid YAML set between triple-dashed lines. So for example, the how to append text to a file in java looks like this:

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JSF conditional comment encoding

Conditional comments are used to provide and hide code to and from Internet Explorer. This feature was introduced in IE 5 and will be deprecated in IE 10. Below we will use a conditional to say, if the browser is IE 9 then we want to include moderizer script, a JavaScript feature detection library, in the page.

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